Nylon Washers are small, disc-shaped pieces of hardware made from nylon plastic. They are typically thin plates with a hole through the middle. Nylon washers are often preferred over standard metal washers due to their low surface friction, better shock and noise absorption properties, and lower production costs.
Advantages of Nylon Washers:
  • Nylon washers are non-corrosive, antimagnetic, and resistant to friction, vibration, and higher temperatures. They are also weather-resistant, which allows for great versatility in a range of applications, especially in outdoor settings

  • Nylon is non-conductive and very insulative, making it an ideal choice for electrical applications
  • Durability: They are known for their durability and longevity. They can withstand a good deal of wear and tear without becoming damaged or compromised.

Common Uses:
  • Nylon washers are used to more evenly distribute the load or force of a threaded fastener (e.g., a screw or bolt), or to act as a spacer
  • Nylon washers are used in various industries, including aerospace, automotive, construction, defense, marine, medical, oil and gas, and plumbing


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